
Osiris is the Assembly’s leader during the Tompkin’s School Trilogy. The Assembly is the current governing force over the realm that lies adjacent to the world of mankind known as the Transitioned World.
Though representatives of the light and dark faction do have the freedom to govern matters that only impact their own respective territories, Osiris has the ultimate say and total sovereignty over all factions within this supernatural realm.
He took power after the Great War, in which a rising force known as the Assembly took control of the Transitioned World from the Time Travelers, a now-extinct species thanks to the Assembly’s efforts.
Osiris has ruled over the Transitioned World shifters ever since and has been working with his representatives to keep the supernatural from escaping into the human world ever since the Great Breakout of 1739, in which Credan organized the largest escape of shifters from the Transitioned World into the human world.
Biographical Information
Full Name: Osiris
Transitioned World Species: Faery
Faction: Shifter of the Light
Background: Osiris grew up in one of the only Shifters of the Light tribe located in the Praise Gardens of the Transitioned World’s Southern Territory.
This tribe remained in this region until the Assembly divided the Transitioned World into factions, separating the powers of the light and the dark.
Osiris’s rare grey wings is the only visual sign heralding his lineage to this group.
Assembly Position: The Leader and often referred to as liege.
Main Powers: Wings, extended life, & mental manipulation.